Sunsport Gardens

14125 North Road
FL 33470
(800) 551-7217
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Lat: 26.73542 - Lon: -80.26783
- Area 16 hectares
- Swimming pool
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Ralph Logan
I am a committed social Christian Naturist. My first experience in social Naturism was at SunSport Gardens. I have visited SunSport Gardens twice. I live in Texas, but I was struck by the friendliness of the residents of the Gardens. There was an immediate acceptance of me from the start. The residents and visitors participated in all sorts of sports such as petanque as well as field volleyball. There are so many social activities offered at SunSport Gardens. It is truly a family oriented resort. I look forward in visiting SunSport Gardens in the near future. I would recommend SunSport Gardens to anyone who is thinking about their first experience in social Naturism or Nudism.