River Valley Naturists
River Valley Naturists is a non-landed nudist/naturist group based in the state of Oklahoma in the River Valley area first started in 2015, we welcome all nudists and naturists of all walks of life.
Our main goal as a group is to meet other nudists and naturists around the area, as well as organize and attend nudist meetups, events, and even house parties. We are striving to bring more nudists together and make our lifestyle more fun and enjoyable. We are a non-profit group developed just for nudists and naturist to meet other nudists that enjoy the same lifestyle they do and to become more active in social nudism with really good friends. Our membership is composed of Male and Female members, singles and couples but families are always welcome. we would like for our group to grow and have a good mix of all types. Our group owns no land so we visit member’s homes and organize other events at nearby resorts, parks, and other public areas when permitted. Some events we organize are camping trips, BBQ’s, house parties, pool parties, fishing trips and more.

Non-landed Club
Non-landed Club
non judgementalpeople
not being landed and members having limited space to host